
Hello To All Of Our Long-time Friends and Customers,
How to even start this letter???
After a very successful, fulfilling, prosperous, learning, grateful, friend
making and yes, at times extremely ‘trying’ nursery career, we (Bob & Carol)
have chosen to find out what the next adventure is that life has to offer
us. We are closing Sunleaf Nursery LLP after this Fall season. With over 85
years between the two of us in the nursery industry, we have decided that
now is the time to move on and to be able to enjoy all of the other
opportunities that are available. This has been a bittersweet decision for
us to make, but now we know that it is the right avenue to take.
IOur committed, long-time co-workers, Katie, Mark, Rollie, and Rafael will be
with us to the end, so you know that you will still be taken care of for
your plant needs. We are eternally grateful to these people for their
dedication, trustworthiness, and devotion to help us take care of all the
loose ends that come with closing the nursery. Without them, we would be
all of you for loyalty and support over the years and wish everyone
continued success with your businesses. The friendships that we have because
of this industry are true and everlasting, for this we are extremely lucky
and grateful.
Please don’t hesitate contacting us with questions for concerns.
Who knows…maybe we’ll show up on your doorstep in a Winnebago for a visit,
dogs & all?
Happy Trails,
Bob Lyons & Carol Lyons

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5900 North Ridge Rd. Madison, OH 44057
Ph: 440-428-4108 Fax: 440-428-5580
